Strike Action
STRIKE UPDATE - Please be aware that school is closed on Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 16th May to MOST children.
We have been able to staff the year 6 classes; they will be open as usual to Year 6 students on the day. We also have a limited number of priority places for specific categories of pupils. These are if:
1. Your child has an EHCP (Educational Health Care Plan);
2. Your family has a designated social worker;
3. Both parents (or single parent) work/s in an early years/school setting or for frontline emergency services AND cannot work from home AND cannot arrange alternative childcare.
These children will be supervised on the day, but formal lessons will not be undertaken. If your child/ or children fall into one of these categories AND you wish to apply for a place for them on that day, please contact the school office ( or 0161 437 1899) by no later than midday on Friday 10th March, so that we can make arrangements for their care.
Free School Meals
Parents of pupils in receipt of benefits-based free school meals who do not receive a prioritised place but require a packed lunch should contact the school office by midday on Tuesday 25th May to request a lunch for collection. Collection will be from 2.30-3.30 on Thursday 27th April and 2nd May.
Unfortunately, if you have a child in Year 6 and another in another year group, we cannot accept both children on that day (the Year 6 child will of course be welcomed).
Remote Learning
We will be providing further information to you about online tasks and activities that children can complete during the strike day. Children do not have to complete this nor do teachers have to set or mark it, following union guidance.
As always, if you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.