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The Future Starts Here


Our aim is for every child to have attendance above 96%.


To encourage this, we will run competitions each term that reward all those with excellent attendance, but also those whose attendance has improved significantly within a term. We also want to reward you for your efforts and each term, a lucky family will receive a gift from us as a ‘thank you’. 


We want to build relationships with you and our families to encourage honesty and help where we can to get the children into school.  We understand that life can be difficult and that not all of you have a positive experience of school.  What we ask is that you talk to us and engage with us, without judgement to help us make a difference together.



It is vital that you let the school know if your child is absent. Please telephone the school office on 0161 437 1899 or email and advise reason for absence, preferably before 9am. If absent for medical appointments, please bring letter/ appointment card to the office in order a copy can be kept on file.  Non-urgent medical appointments should be arranged outside of school time, or at least after 1pm to avoid any disruption to learning.


Please note, we cannot authorise any holidays within term time for any reason.


Whilst we want all of us to work together to improve attendance, where you are not engaging with us and attendance is worryingly low, the school will take action, including:


  • Conducting a home visit/ welfare check to ensure you and your child are ok;
  • Where contact still cannot be made or there remain concerns, the police/ and or social services may be contacted; and
  • The school has the right to issue penalty notices and parents can be fined £60 - £2500 if it then goes to court.
