"We are not makers of History. We are made by History."
Martin Luther King, Jr,
Our Vision
At Ringway, we aim to provide a History curriculum in which inspires children to show a curiosity about the past through asking questions and critical thinking. The chosen history topics are strongly influenced by our local area, designed to help tackle the effects of deprivation, whilst equipping all children with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in future. Central to our History curriculum is a line of enquiry in which children investigate allowing them to develop clear perspectives and judgements about the past. The History scheme at Ringway is deeply rooted throughout the school from Early Years to Year 6. The consistent teaching of History throughout the school ensures children gain a mature, and informed historical perspective on how events have helped shape and form the world they live in today.
Knowledge Organisers

‘I like History because I like learning about the world before I was born’
Izzy 2P
We believe it is crucial children understand the methods of historical enquiry; including how evidence is used to make historical claims valid. Thus, at Ringway, we begin every lesson with a historical enquiry or key question that children will investigate and build knowledge upon over a sequence of sessions. The History scheme at Ringway allows pupils to develop their knowledge from early times to the present day. Children will be encouraged to communicate their knowledge, using historical primary and secondary sources to draw upon similarities and make connections between different time periods and their own lives.

As children progress throughout the school in particularly in KS2 children explore the ways in which Britain has influenced and been influenced by the wider world including ancient civilisations such as, the Egyptians and Greeks. History at Ringway is taught in blocks throughout the academic year with opportunity for cross-curricular links. In EYFS and KS1 children explore three topics within the academic year with close links to their local area. In KS2 children explore two topics with strong curricular links to Britain and the wider world thus, allowing them to put world History into context.
Cross Curricular
At Ringway we aim to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum through a vast range of cross curricular links. Every year we celebrate Black History Month throughout the month of October encouraging and celebrating diversity not only through history but also PSHE. Children focus on inspirational figures who influenced the historical black movement encouraging them to dream big and achieve their goals. Children also focus on African culture through lessons such as Art and DT.