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The Future Starts Here

Mrs Harrison

Hello and a warm welcome from Year 2.Miss Woehrle, Miss McBride and I are so excited to be working in Year 2 helping you all to enjoy your learning and to achieve your best. Our classroom will be full of exciting opportunities to make your learning fun and memorable. Our aim is to create an inclusive environment in which everyone is learning together and from one another. We are a team in 2H and help each other overcome any challenges that may arise.


To find out what we will be learning this term, please see our Autumn term newsletter.

Year 2 is full of fascinating topics to help our brains grow. The children will embark on a range of interesting and captivating learning opportunities, from studying The Great Fire of London and Florence Nightingale in History, to Manchester and their local area in Geography. We will read lots of stimulating texts which enable us to have a variety of creative writing opportunities. There is something for everyone to enjoy!


Please see our curriculum map for more information about our brilliant Year 2 topics.

Step inside our exciting classroom and join us on our Year 2 journey by viewing our class Twitter page @PrimaryRingway and search #class2H. You can even see us on Facebook by searching Ringway Primary School.


We can’t wait to share our news with you and hope you enjoy celebrating our achievements with us this year.


Thank you from Mrs Harrison and Miss Messer
