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The Future Starts Here


"I love PSHE because we learn how to be kind, how to manage emotions and share our thoughts and feelings."
Sophia 3S


PSHE at Ringway aims to provide the knowledge and skills to help children understand and value how they fit into and contribute to the world. Central to our PSHE curriculum is our sense of love and laughter, making it stimulating, fun and memorable for all children. Ringway is a safe & happy environment with a strong sense of family. We believe that children are all individuals and therefore, we aim to encourage mutual respect, responsibility and foster self-esteem in a happy, loving and caring atmosphere. By the time the children leave our school, they are better prepared for the next phase of their learning journey as the scheme develops the qualities and attributes children need to thrive as individuals, family members, members of society and the global community.

From September 2020, all primary schools are required by the government to teach Relationships and Health Education. At Ringway, we have been delivering Relationships and Health Education within our Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) curriculum. We have reviewed our PSHE curriculum to make sure that our lessons meet the requirements that the government has set out for the content of Relationships and Health Education. 

Ringway follows the Jigsaw scheme of work. Jigsaw brings together PSHE Education, compulsory Relationships and Health Education, emotional literacy, mindfulness, social skills and spiritual development. It is designed as a whole school approach, with all year groups working on the same theme (Puzzle) at the same time at their own level. There are six Puzzles (half-term units of work) and each year group teaches these each half term. All lessons are delivered in an age- and stage-appropriate way so that they meet children’s needs.


The 6 themes are


Being Me in My World

Celebrating Differences

Dreams and Goals

Healthy Me


Changing Me


Each Puzzle starts with an introductory assembly and song, generating a whole school focus for adults and children alike. We also have dedicated celebration days to expose the children to educational news and events to support our PSHE curriculum. For example Empathy Day, Diversity Day and Anti-Bullying Week. We have also celebrated Mental Health Week and raised over £200 for charity by dressing up in green. Take a look here 

You will find some useful information below which you can also use to support your children at home.

Relationships Education is designed to help children to have positive and safe relationships with family, friends and online.


Health Education will help children to make good decisions about their health and wellbeing and enable them to know how to seek support if any health issues arise for themselves or others.


If you would like more information about statutory Relationships and Health Education, please click read the government guide “Understanding Relationships and Health Education in your child’s primary school: a guide for parents”.


Talk to Parents and Carers


Thank you to those of you who attended our 'RSE talk to parents'. It was great to hear your views via our questionnaire and during the talk. Please find below additional copies of the handouts and the content we discussed.

Knowledge Organisers


If you would like to support your child at home or understand what they are learning in class, please ask your child's class teacher for a copy of the unit knowledge organiser. Unfortunately, we are unable to place these on our website due to copywrite issues.

Helpful Videos


FAQs for Parents


Parent Info on Relationships and Sex Education


If you would like knowledge organisers for your child's year group, please ask your child's class teacher.

Mental Health and Wellbeing


We are also on a Mental Health and Wellbeing journey as a school and this is currently one of our school targets. To help support your child or for helpful tips and advice, please visit our Mental Health and Wellbeing tab by clicking here.


You can even meet our Wellbeing Ambassadors who have a vital role in making key mental health and wellbeing decisions for the school.

Personal Development 


Ringway Primary School teaches personal development in a wide range of ways throughout the children’s school lives. For example:


  • It is taught discrete in PSHE lessons
  • It is taught with cross-curricular links in other lessons, such as English, physical education and religious education
  • Staff members consistently model how to be a good citizen who uphold the school values of Love, Laugh and Learn
  • Assemblies (whole school and special visitors)
  • Specialist staff working with individuals and groups
  • E-Safety lessons in computing and assembly 
  • Celebrating positive learning attributes with weekly certificates
  • Huge array of before and after school clubs
  • Well thought through transitions throughout the school and beyond
  • Focusing on mental and physical health and super learning days
  • School council
  • Eco-warriors’ group
  • Prefects
  • School Council
  • Healthy Schools Silver Award
  • Sports Tournaments
  • Celebrating different languages, cultures and religions
  • Outdoor activity trips

British Values


To see how we promote British Values at Ringway, please click here



Spiritual: explore beliefs and experience; respect values; discover oneself and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflect.

Moral: recognise right and wrong; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues; offer reasoned views.

Social: use social skills in different contexts; work well with others; resolve conflicts; understand how communities work.

Cultural: appreciate cultural influences; participate in culture opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.


Below are all the things that we do in school to build up children's spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding, thoughts and experiences.


  • Our assemblies and reflection time
  • Class and celebration assemblies
  • Class presentations
  • School visits to places of worship
  • Educational visits and visitors which inspire awe and wonder
  • Themed days and weeks
  • RE curriculum
  • PSHE curriculum


  • PSHE curriculum
  • Ringway Values
  • Class Values
  • School Vision
  • Golden Time
  • Collective Worship
  • Circle Time
  • Supporting charities and fundraising
  • Votes for Schools


  • Ringway Values
  • PSHE curriculum
  • Pupil voice and leadership roles         
  • Sports Day
  • Educational Visits
  • Extra-Curricular activities
  • Supporting the local community


  • Celebrating events
  • Curriculum themed days designed to inspire, excite and inform the children for their upcoming topic
  • Sharing children’s own personal experience
  • Visits and visitors
  • Music and Dance events
  • Theatre Trips

