Our Vision
At Ringway we believe that Art is an inspiring, inclusive and gratifying subject. Using creativity and imagination, pupils design and produce artwork that embeds their own vision, culture and originality. We aim to offer an engaging and all-embracing curriculum which is consolidated across all of the curriculum areas. This will be delivered by knowledgeable and highly motivated teachers, who support all children so they can reach their full potential. Through art lessons, art projects and super learning days we aim to engage and excite children to express themselves creatively and develop their own imagination. Art and design teaching at Ringway Primary School teaches an appreciation and enjoyment of the visual arts. It stimulates imagination and creativity; involving children in a range of visual, tactile and sensory experiences, which enable them to communicate what they see, think and feel through the use of the elements of colour, texture, form and pattern. Art and design promotes careful observation and an appreciation of the world around us. Children explore ideas and meanings through studying the work of artists and designers.
From the start of this academic year, as a school, we pledge that each child will have a piece of their artwork on display at all times throughout our school. Keep an eye out next time you visit!
Knowledge Organisers - Year 1
Knowledge Organisers - Year 2
Knowledge Organisers - Year 3
Knowledge Organisers - Year 4
Knowledge Organisers - Year 5
Knowledge Organisers - Year 6

To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in art and design, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school. Art and design is taught termly, focusing on knowledge and skills stated in the National Curriculum. As a school and in accordance with the National Curriculum’s expectations, we aim to ensure that all pupils:
- Produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences
- Become proficient in drawing painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques
- Evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design
- Know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.
Remembrance Day 2022
To celebrate Remembrance Day, every child decorated a poppy. The poppies were then displayed around Wythenshawe Town Center over Remembrance Weekend. We are super proud of how brilliant they look and how hard the children worked on this community art project.

Art Week June 2022
At Ringway we love art! For one week in June, we took some time to celebrate the work of famous artists and create our own pieces that paid homage to these incredible individuals. These are the artists that we focused on:
Nursery - Kandinsky
Reception - L.S. Lowry
Year 1 - Claude Monet
Year 2 - Vincent Van Gough
Year 3 - Andy Warhol
Year 4 - Pablo Picasso
Year 5 - Steve Brocket
Year 6 - Banksy
Our Art Week culminated in an art gallery in our school hall. Each child had the opportunity to come and view the work, feel proud to see it on display and decide which was their favourite.
We are incredibly proud of the work that was created and we can not wait to see the amazing pieces for Art Week 2023!

Year 5 Art Workshops
Year 5 worked with Manchester based artist Pauline Wood to create their own kites based on the work of Steve Brocket. The children discovered his love for paragliding and made connections between his passion and his artwork. They designed their own kites based on the British Values of mutual respect and tolerance, we then linked this to our home city of Manchester and discovered the significance of the worker bee. The children had such a wonderful time and created fantastic kites using oil pastels and wax resist techniques.

Within art and design, we strive to instil an appreciation and enjoyment of the arts enriching the children’s learning experience. Our art and design curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression. We focus on progression of knowledge and skills and discreet vocabulary progression also form part of the units of work. The children will:
- Experience a broad, balanced arts curriculum, with an emphasis on the development of understanding and skills in art and design, creative dance and music.
- Experience the arts through other areas of the curriculum.
- Be given a wide range of opportunities to express themselves creatively.
- Be given the opportunity to develop skills and interests in out of hours learning.
- Begin to develop awareness of the emotional impact the arts have on themselves and on an audience.
Year 1 Collaboration

The wonderful year 1 children have been experimenting with different types of line. The children listened to a piece of music on the theme of water by Claude Debussy’s ‘La Mer' whilst making lines to represent the waves of the ocean. They experimented with thick, thin, wavy, straight, broken, dark and light lines in collaborative groups. When the music stopped the children changed their media and colour and when the music started they began drawing with the music. It was such a relaxing and therapeutic lesson and we are so impressed with the results!
Year 1 Art Gallery
Year 3 Art Gallery
Styal Road Art Exhibtion
We are very lucky and proud that three of our children's artwork has been chosen to be exhibited at Styal Road Filling Station. All of the children in the school created a piece of artwork based on our local area and these are our three lucky winners!

Black History Month - Marcus Rashford
To celebrate Black History Month, children from Year 5 worked in collaboration with the Manchester United Foundation to produce a piece of art work based on an inspirational black person. After lots of discussion, it was decided that Marcus Rashford would be the perfect subject for our work. First, an outline was sketched on to a canvas and then we used acrylic paints to add colour. The children thoroughly enjoyed the process and we are all extremely proud of the end result.
Year 5 Artwork - Frida Kahlo Inspired
As a transition day activity, children from 5W looked at the work of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. We looked at her work and discussed how she included items of importance in the backgrounds of her paintings. The children then drew their own self-portraits and reflected on significant objects in their life to include in their backgrounds. Each portrait shows the children's individual personalities and we are so proud of each piece of work that's been produced.
Year 5 Art Gallery

Year 6 Art Gallery