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The Future Starts Here

Lunch Menu


At Ringway Primary, we believe that children deserve a delicious and nutritious meal at lunchtime. Dolce is our schools chosen meal provider. They offer exciting new menus each term which are cooked fresh from raw ingredients and allows parents and pupils to pre-order from home, on the move or in the classroom. Children also have a piece of fruit at morning break provided by the school. Please ask the office for information on how to set up your Dolce account.


Healthy Eating


We are committed to ensuring our pupils learn how to stay healthy. The PSHE curriculum teaches the importance of healthy eating, why we need exercise and how to care for our bodies.

Packed Lunches

The following information is from;


A good packed lunch contains:

  • A starchy food, such as bread, rolls, pitta bread, naan bread, potatoes, rice, noodles.
  • These foods are good for children to fill up on.
  • A good source of protein, iron and zinc such as meat, fish, beans, nuts or eggs.
  • A good source of calcium such as milk, cheese, yoghurt or fromage frais.
  • And one portion of fruit and one portion of vegetable or salad to provide all the other vitamins and minerals. A piece of fruit could be a 100% juice or piece of fresh fruit, dried fruit or tinned fruit in fruit juice. A piece of vegetable could be a fresh vegetables such as carrot stick, salad or a vegetable soup or vegetable dish.
